Monday, February 27, 2017

Last post here on this blog.

Here's the reason why:

Due to concerns expressed by my partner Andrew Porter about the commingling of my blogs and YouTube posts with his gmail inbox: he's got two gmail addresses with his name on it: one that he uses himself, and one that he has been letting me use because Google attached my blog and my YouTube account to it without asking me, when we tried to sign him up for gmail initially. Now the comments I've been expressing elsewhere under my old Google ID "Ed-M" and my YouTube ID "PfctvsPontivsPilatvs" has been showing up in the latter email address as is right and proper, but is also polluting the former address--the one that he's using! So I'm stopping my using those and going by my real ID now in order to prevent any further cross-pollution.

To expedite this, I'm starting new trio of blogs to succeed this blog ( Ed-M's Commentarium ), Cruci Blog ( Ed-M's Cruci Blog ), and International Highway Makeover 2 ( Ed-M's International Highway Makeover ).

Comment is free, as always. But I request you comment over there, there and there.

See you there!

Thank you.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

8.8 Feet of Sea Level Rise by 2100

Source: Pinterest
A global sea level rise of 8.8 feet could easily mean 20 feet in New Orleans: one tropical storm, and "blub, blub!"
In the last days of Barack Obama's administration, US government scientists warned even more sea level rise is expected by century's end than previously estimated, due to rapid ice sheet melting at the poles. 
The report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) set the "extreme" scenario of global average sea level rise by 2100 to 8.2 feet (2.5 meters), up half a meter from the last estimate issued in 2012. 
"We raised the upper limit of our scenarios," lead author William Sweet told AFP. 
"It is possible. It has a very low probability. But we can't discount it entirely."
How low a possibility? 0.1 percent? 0.5 percent? One percent? Five percent? The one percent doctrine means we must plan for it and act as required to counteract the threat.

To find out more, click here.

Here's an idea on Boston protecting itself from sea level rise:

"The Sapphire Necklace"
Source: The Boston Globe.
For more on what Boston might set out to do to protect itself, click here.

2017 IS Strange - Part 7 // February

Here's the next vid from Last Messages that's filled with weird weather, Earth changes, animal die-offs and other tragedies that aren't supposed to be happening, but are thanks to global warming / climate change.

And the fron image is a drone photo of this huge fishkill somewhere -- it looks like California or Australia.

The World is our Oyster!

An all-too-frequent attitude displayed by USAians (Americans) is the "The World is our oyster!" What is the World's response?

a)     "The US is the grain of sand in our mouth that we can't turn to a pearl and can't get out."
b)     "We're being attacked and cut open!"
c)     "We're being preyed upon and eaten." :^(
d)     All of the above.

The correct answer is:

d)     All of the above.

Friday, February 17, 2017

2017 IS Strange - Part 6 // February

The latest from LAST MESSAGES including Batkills in Australia, the ongoing Orovill Dam diaster and hailstorm floods in Saudi Arabia.

2017 is strange. Enjoy, if you don't find it most distressing!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Here's Another Family Guy Joke that Could Have Been Written by Manatees.

The cutaway I am invoking is from the Family Guy-Simpsons crossover from a few years back. The problem is, it was created after South Park did their Family Guy episode--out of spite, of course, and completely unprovoked, too.
(Scene: The interior of the family Guy main studio, facing the glass wall behind of which several manatees are nosing floating balls from a big netted collection of balls toward a chute.)
South Park: Idea Balls Clip |
(Seth MacFarlane is watching the manatees at work. At the bottom of the chute is a view-box receptacle wherein five balls have just descended. Seth MacFarlane reads off the five balls.) 
Seth MacFarlane: Ipecac Contest, WWI Air Force, Homer Simpson, Bob Belcher, Cleveland Brown." Sounds like a Family Guy joke! 
(Cutaway back to the living room where Peter, Brian, Chris and Stewie are having their Ipecac drinking contest which induces a considerable amount of "purging.")

(The puking finally enters a lull and the four appear to be recovering. Lois enters the living room with a big bucket of clam chowder.) 
Lois: Okay, who wants chowdah? 
Peter, Brian, Chris and Stewie (all puking in unison): Wruaaaugh! 
Lois (puts the pot back in the kitchen and turns to the four men): Peter! You and the boys have thrown up all ovah the flooah! And look! You even have vomit on the furnichah -- and all over yourselves, too! 
Peter: You think that's bad! Remembah the time I flew the in the World War One Air Force with Homer Simpson, Bob Belcher and Cleveland? 
(Cutaway to the scene in the Family Guy - Simpsons crossover show where Cleveland goes down. Again.) 

Homer: Woo-hoo! 
Peter: Yeah-ha-haah!
Bob Belcher: (popping up from the rear of the plane): Yeah, we did it! 
Homer (angry): What's he doin' here? 
Peter (non-chalant): Oh we gotta carry him; he can't fly on his own. We let that other guy try, and look what happened. 
(Cutaway to Cleveland's plane, the engine of which just caught fire.) 
Cleveland: No, no, no, no, NO!! (as his plane enters its death spiral).
Okay, this is my last South Park Family Guy joke. I've run out of ideas! 😁

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 Is Strange -- Parts 3, 4 and 5 // January-February

2017 is strange! And a heck of a lot happened in the past four weeks, all a result of Global Warming and her ugly twin, Global Weirding.

 2017 Is Strange Part 3 // January

2017 Is Strange Part 4 // January-February

2017 Is Strange Part 5 // February

And not just lots of weird weather, either: there are now lots of strange clouds, strange animal movements, invasions and die-offs including those of birds, bizaare sounds in the ambient environment, and new, strange sunsets -- all due to the two goddesses we called to life, Global Warming and Global Weirding by our greenhouse gas emissions from way too much burning of fossil fuels and the spraying of chemtrails by our flying of our commercial, military, government and private jet airplanes!

Well we screwed ourselves but good, now. 2017 is strange and 2018 promises to be stranger yet. 2019, stranger still. And so on and so on and so on. So ease back, and... relax that rear end of yours, and... enjoy! 😉

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Okay, I have a lighter post at this time...


Seth MacFarlane really should have cut a deal with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, to include their version of Family Guy in the first installment of "The Road to the Multiverse."

Here's where I envision it to have been placed:

(Conclusion of the Disney universe clip as Mort Goldman is being beaten up by the Griffin family) 
Stewie: Oh, but look how shiny my buttons are here!
Brian: Just push the button!
Stewie: Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll push the thing. (Stweie hits the button.)
(Bruce the fairy appears, waves his magic wand, causes Stewie and Brian to disappear, then disappears himself in an explosion of stars just as Mort Goldman falls to the floor, unconscious. Brian and Stewie then reappear in the same spot in the South Park version of Family Guy.) 
Brian: What the-?
Stewie: According to my readout, everything here is drawn by the team of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. This is the South Park universe, Brian.
Brian: Which explains why everything is drawn on the cheap, like on a Commodore 64.
Stewie: And the strange sound of our voices.
Brian: Except for yours. (Stewie gives Brian the dirtiest look, then looks back down at the machine.)
Stewie: It also means all the jokes are written by manatees! 
(Cutaway to the interior of the main office of the Family Guy Studios, facing a glass-walled pool with a huge, netted collection of small beach balls, several manatees and a chute into the receptacle within the studio itself. Seth MacFarlane watches as the manatees nose five balls into the chute. The balls descend into the receptacle, each bearing one word.)

Seth MacFarlane (reading the word on each ball in succession): "Laundry," "Sing" "Variety Show" "Paul McCartney," and "The Cockroach Song." Sounds like a Family Guy Joke! 
(Return-cutaway to the Griffin family sitting in their living room. The South Park universe's Stewie and Brian are with the rest.)

Lois (with a rhotic accent): Peter! You forgot to take the laundry out this afternoon.
Peter (in a bad imitation of Archie Bunker doing a bad imitation of Peter): You think *that's* bad--remembah the time I sang LaCucaracha for Pawl McCaatney? 
(Cutaway to multiverse-travelling Stewie and Brian standing behind the couch.)
Stewie: I'm not standing for this, Brian.
Brian: Me neither!
(Stewie hits the button.  Brian and Stewie disappear and then reappear in the Robot Chicken universe.)

Brian: Woah, this is trippy!
Stewie: I should say so; we're in the Robot Chicken universe.
Peter (in anger): Will you guys move? You're blocking the teavee.
And so it goes, with only about 70 seconds to be cut out of the Dominant Dogs universe at the end of the episode to make room.

But it was not meant to be because the creators of South Park despise Family Guy! 😠

Friday, February 3, 2017

Broken Bromance.

President Donald J. Trump has gone on record that Russia MUST quit the Crimea peninsula... the very place where the locals want the Russians to stay! So what does the Vladimir think about the Donald now? What's happened to the romance between the two?

I say it's become tainted -- and utterly destroyed -- by the very same Neocons that Trump vowed to purge from the Deep State a.k.a. the USA National Security Apparatus and President Vladimir V. Putin is now thinking something on the lines of this:

Thursday, February 2, 2017

What if Pres. Trump Pisses off the Christian Right?

Tom Servo of Morris Berman's Dark Ages America blog says:
"Trump supporters will only turn on him if they believe that he betrayed them and did them wrong."
Let me add this about Trump supporters: they will turn on him only if they believe that he betrayed them and did them wrong.

Suppose President Donald J. Trump turns out to be the most pro-gay president from the Republican Party, EVAH.

Will the Christian Right, who have their own brand of identity politics, turn on him? You betcha!

And from that, here's a plausible South Park illustration of a Christian Right demonstration at the White House:

A YUGE mob of Christian rightists picket the White House, surrounding it on all four sides, blocking the ttraffic on four streets. They bear signs that bear the messages, "SHAME!", "TRUMP, RESIGN!", "F*****, GO PLAY WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND, PUTIN!" [I'm asterisking the last five letters of this F-word], and "QUEERLOVER!"

They are also chanting naughty little ditties such as the one after this image below, patterned after a taunting children's rhyme:


Of course, it'll be Putin who would give birth.
Even in the summer of 2016 he was beginning to look pregnant!
Then shots ring out from inside the White House, and the mob hears it, turning towards the Executive Mansion expectantly.

Cut to inside the oval office. President Trump is lying on the floor and only his feet are showing; meanwhile Mike Pence, who is holding the smoking gun, hands it over to Big Gay Al, who throws up his hands to avoid incrimination.

Cut to station identification, which means a train of nine inane commercials.*

*Tip o' th' hat to Frank Jacobs(?) and Al Jaffee of MAD Magazine.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

2017 Is Strange -- Part 2 January, and a callout to President Donald J. Trump.

Come on, Mr. President, look and learn! What, is, happening, to the sky???

2017 is strange. Enjoy, watch the skies, and learn, including you, Mr. President, that climate change is for real, and it's being caused by a more energetic atmosphere, itself being made more energetic by increasing amounts of Carbon Dioxide being coughed up by fossil-fuel burning by people, offices, governments and industry. Decarbonisation -- 100% Independence From Fossil Fuels -- will provide lots of jobs and counterintuitively will also consume a lot of fossil fuels to get up and running so we also will need a radical conservation program with 100% compliance to free up those fuels to achieve the decarbonisation.

How to achieve this? Slap a 35% tarriff on ALL fossil fuel imports coming into this country. Including the imported oil destined for the refineries to be reexported as refined products.

My namd is Edward Miessner, and I approve of this message, and the vid from LAST MESSAGES.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

2017 Is Strange - Part 1 January

I had posted these types of videos on separate blogs for 2015 and 2016 but I've decided to incorporate the similar vids for 2017 here in this blog.

Here is the first video of the "2017 Is Strange" series by the YouTuber LAST MESSAGES.

2017 is strange. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

2016 Is the Third Hottest Year in a Row.

The Boston Globe posted a picture touting a 60-degree January day as evidence of Global Warming. But it isn't. There were January thaws with daytime temps in the 60s in the 1970s when I was growing up in greater Boston. But it's the ocean warming and polar warming that's pushing up the annual mean temperatures, year over year over year over year.

For third straight time, Earth sets hottest year record

Justin Gillis and John Schwartz of The New York Times,  January 18, 2017

Source: The Boston Globe.

Marking another milestone for a changing planet, scientists reported on Wednesday that the Earth reached its highest temperature on record in 2016 — trouncing a record set only a year earlier, which beat one set in 2014. It is the first time in the modern era of global warming data that temperatures have blown past the previous record three years in a row. 
The data show that politicians cannot wish the problem away. The Earth is heating up, a point long beyond serious scientific dispute, but one becoming more evident as the records keep falling. Temperatures are heading toward levels that many experts believe will pose a profound threat to both the natural world and to human civilization. 
In 2015 and 2016, the planetary warming was intensified by the weather pattern known as El Niño, in which the Pacific Ocean released a huge burst of energy and water vapor into the atmosphere. But the bigger factor in setting the records was the long-term trend of rising temperature, which scientists say is being driven by increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. 
“A single warm year is something of a curiosity,” said Deke Arndt, chief of global climate monitoring for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “It’s really the trend, and the fact that we’re punching at the ceiling every year now, that is the real indicator that we’re undergoing big changes.”

For more, click here.