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Asado Lamb Roast (nptpolo.com) – Note the lambs were put on double crosses! |
(Part 7d of the series: Crucifixion the Bodily Support)
Justin Martyr on the Acuta Crux (Part 3)
In the first part
previous I’ve shown how Justin Martyr brings up the figure of the σταυρός (staurós) or τρόπαιον (trópaion) and how it related to a flurry
of cross and ‘T’ shaped objects, one of which definitely had an attachment that
could be relate to the σκόλοψ (skólops)
or acuta crux that was attached to
the front of the execution pole. In the second part I showed Justin telling
Antoninus Pius how the Jews sat Jesus in proper position on what he, Justin,
called a βήματος (bêmatos), that
is, a judgment seat, although it’s impossible to tell if that seat was also the
sedilis excessu of the execution pole
that turned it into a Priapus stake.
The Cruciform Roasting of the Passover Lamb.
Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 40 (emphasis mine):
The mystery, then, of the lamb which God enjoined to be sacrificed as the
passover, was a type of Christ; with whose blood, in proportion to their faith
in Him, they anoint their houses, i.e., themselves, who believe in Him. For
that the creation which God created—to wit, Adam—was a house for the spirit
which proceeded from God, you all can understand. And that this injunction was
temporary, I prove thus. God does not permit the lamb of the passover to be
sacrificed in any other place than where His name was named; knowing that the
days will come, after the suffering of Christ, when even the place in Jerusalem
shall be given over to your enemies, and all the offerings, in short, shall
cease; and that lamb which was commanded
to be wholly roasted was a symbol of the suffering of the cross which Christ
would undergo. For the lamb, which
is roasted, is roasted and dressed up in the form of the cross. For one spit is
transfixed right through from the lower parts up to the head, and one across
the back, to which are attached the legs of the lamb.
Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 40. 1, 2
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Greek roasted lamb -- typical modern method. |
is a rather strange way of roasting a whole lamb. Usually these days after the
animal is skinned and gutted, the spit is driven through under the spine from
the hindquarters to the sternum, under the shoulders and the head and limbs
attached to the spit which is then turned round and round. At fancy parties
like in the photo at the top, both the front and hind paws are attached to
transverse lathes. But here he has a main spit going from the hindquarters up to the head, and another spit
affixed transversely to the back, onto which the front paws are tied. Justin
Martyr also said, explicitly so, that the lamb roasts, being given a certain posture
resembling the figure of the execution pole or the suspension punishment on it (σχηματιζόμενον
ὁμοίως τῷ σχήματι τοῦ σταυροῦ ὀπτᾶται (schêmatizómenon
omoíôs tô schêmati tou staurou optatai)).
W. Chapman has noted that Justin, having grown up in Shechem, could have witnessed Samaritan
worshippers of Yahweh dressing up their Passover lambs in just such a manner. 3 Indeed, Chapman
cites Joseph Taboury who cited ancient sources and archaeological evidence
showing the Passover lambs were indeed suspended by a horizontal beam for flaying
and then skewered the lamb on a vertical wooden spit with the transverse still
attached, citing a barita in the
Jerusalem Talmud (y. Pes. Vii.1 [34a]) and Taboury’s translation: “There is a
Tanna who teaches, ‘They insert from the buttocks until it reaches the midst of
the mouth.'” 4 And Chapman also
cites Taboury’s noting that the lamb wore his removed and cleaned entrails on
top of his own head! 5
this doesn’t resemble so much a suspension on a cross or even a Priapus stake,
so much as it resembles a fence-with-pales type of suspension, for the lamb was
suspended on the transverse beam and then impaled
on the vertical wooden spit.
the procedure would resemble this.
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A type of crucifixion where the victim is impaled. |
Next: Wood into Bread.
Greek and Latin
Word Definitions.
- βήματος
of βήμα (bêma):
"step, seat, raised place or tribune, base, pedestal." Perseus
Greek Word Study Tool, Link
- ὁμοίως
(omoíôs), plural masculine
accusative of ὅμοιος (omoíós):
“like, resembling, similar.” Perseus Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- ὀπτᾶται
(optatai), third person singular
present indicative / subjunctive middle-passive of ὀπτάω (optáw): “roast, broil.” Perseus
Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- σταυρός
(staurós): "upright pale,
pole, utility pole, cross." Perseus Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- σταυροῦ (staurou): genitive of σταυρός (staurós).
- σκόλοψ
(skólops): “impaling stake,
thorn, anything pointed.” Perseus Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- Σχήματι
(schêmati): dative of σχῆμα (schêma): “form, shape, figure.” Perseus
Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- Σχηματιζόμενον
(schêmatizómenon), participle
singular present middle-passive masculine accusative of σχηματίζω (schêmatizô): “assume a certain
form, figure, posture.” Perseus Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- τρόπαιον
(trópaion): “tropaeum, trophy.” Perseus
Greek Word Study Tool, Link.
- acuta crux: “piercing
cross, sharpened or pointed stake” Perseus Latin Word Study Tool, Link 1,
Link 2.
- Sedilis excessu: “projection / transgression of a seat” Perseus Latin
Word Study Tool, Link
1, Link
Advent.org, fathers, Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 31-47. Link.
Catholica Omnia, Ecclesiae Patraes Graeci, Iustinus, Dialogus cum Tryphone Iudaeo. Link.
(PDF pp 46-47, cols. 561 and 564 (Latin cols. 562-563))
The Greek text
conforming to the bolded English reads: Tό κελευσθέν πρόβατον ἐκεῖνο ὀπτόν ὅλον γίνεσθαι, τοῦ πάθους τοῦ
σταυροῦ, δι᾽ οὗ πάσχειν ἔμελλεν
ὀ Xριστός, σύμβολον ἦν τό γάρ ὀπτώμενον, σχηματιζόμενον ὁμοίως
τῷ σχήματι τοῦ σταυροῦ ὀπτᾶται. Eῖς γάρ
ὄρθιος ὀβελίσκος διαπερονᾶται ἄπο τῶν κατωτάτω μερῶν μέχρι τῆς κεφαλῆς, καί εἶς πάλιν κατά αἱ χεῖρες
Phonetically transiterlated: Tó keleusthén próbaton ekeino optón ólon
gínesthai, tou páthous tou staurou, di’ ou páschein émellen ó Christós,
súmbolon ên tó gár optômenon, schêmatizómenon omoíôs tô schêmati tou staurou
optatai. Eis gár ópthios obelískos disperonatai ápo tôn katôtátô merôn méchri
tês kefalês, kaí eis pálin kata aí cheires tou probátou.
corresponding Latin text reads: Atque hic agnus, quem totum assari praecipitur,
supplici crucis, per quam Christus erat passurus, symbolum erat. Agnus enim qui
assatur, ad similitudinem figurae cruces dispositus assatur. Alterum enim vero
ab infimis partibus ad caput usque recta transfigitur; alterum vero secundum
scapulas, ad quod etiam manus agni suspenditur.
W. Chapman, Ancient Jewish and Christian
Perceptions of Crucifixion. Grand Rapids, Baker Academic Division (2010),
p. 207.
p. 208.
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