2017 is strange. Enjoy, watch the skies, and learn, including you, Mr. President, that climate change is for real, and it's being caused by a more energetic atmosphere, itself being made more energetic by increasing amounts of Carbon Dioxide being coughed up by fossil-fuel burning by people, offices, governments and industry. Decarbonisation -- 100% Independence From Fossil Fuels -- will provide lots of jobs and counterintuitively will also consume a lot of fossil fuels to get up and running so we also will need a radical conservation program with 100% compliance to free up those fuels to achieve the decarbonisation.
How to achieve this? Slap a 35% tarriff on ALL fossil fuel imports coming into this country. Including the imported oil destined for the refineries to be reexported as refined products.
My namd is Edward Miessner, and I approve of this message, and the vid from LAST MESSAGES.